Dr. Benedict-Tilman Berger

Dr. Benedict-Tilman Berger

CELLinib GmbH

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Dr. Benedict-Tilman Berger


Dr. Benedict-Tilman Berger was born in 1991 in Berlin, Germany. He studied Biochemistry at the Freie University Berlin where he received his Bachelor (2014) and Master (2016) of Science. During his studies he worked on the characterization of protein kinase inhibitors at Bayer HealthCare Berlin and deepened his understanding of the interaction of protein kinases with their inhibitors during his Master’s Thesis at the Structural Genomics Consortium Oxford (University of Oxford). He then moved to Frankfurt for his PhD studies with Prof. Dr. Stefan Knapp in the Structural Genomics Consortium Frankfurt on the structural characterization of binding kinetics using the in-cell model NanoBRET that he completed in 2020. He then became the Teamleader of the cellular assays group in the SGC Frankfurt and since coordinates the screening efforts. Being facinated by the NanoBRET technology and loving to contribute to many different projects with all his collaborators he founded CELLinib GmbH to make cellular profiling across the kinome available by offering the NanoBRET screening platform as a service to clients.


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